============== named_redirect ============== This is the documentation of **named_redirect**. .. note:: This is the main page of your project's `Sphinx `_ documentation. It is formatted in `reStructuredText `__. Add additional pages by creating rst-files in ``docs`` and adding them to the `toctree `_ below. Use then `references `__ in order to link them from this page, e.g. :ref:`authors ` and :ref:`changes`. It is also possible to refer to the documentation of other Python packages with the `Python domain syntax `__. By default you can reference the documentation of `Sphinx `__, `Python `__, `NumPy `__, `SciPy `__, `matplotlib `__, `Pandas `__, `Scikit-Learn `__. You can add more by extending the ``intersphinx_mapping`` in your Sphinx's ``conf.py``. The pretty useful extension `autodoc `__ is activated by default and lets you include documentation from docstrings. Docstrings can be written in `Google `__ (recommended!), `NumPy `__ and `classical `__ style. Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 License Authors Changelog Module Reference Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`